We experience stress, imbalance, or are simply just plain crazy sometimes in life—let’s be honest, most of the time.
What can be done to alter this? How can women transition from Ms. craziness to Ms. calmness? It takes practice, I won’t lie. Let me explain.
I like to think of “Balance” as a heard of sheep and you are the That is ridiculous, Shepard, I know that.. but stay with me for a sec. Your sheep flock won’t act in the best interests of the flock at all times. Getting the sheep to gather up before they become totally lost is the trick.
Let’s assume that everything in your life appears to be functioning fairly well. Then some of your sheep in the “Fitness” area start to stray. What techniques do you know to regain control over those sheep? The flock’s most significant sheep are those who practice fitness, nutrition, and spirituality, also known as mind, body, and spirit. It won’t be too chaotic if all the other sheep sort of wander off. Observe how these are the sheep you are fed by. the sheep that manage your oxygen mask. The sheep that need to be looked after before the rest of the flock completely reek havoc, freak out, and flee in all different directions (also referred to as a breakdown).
Here are some pointers to help you keep your flock together so that no sheep will attempt to run away out of control.
Take a minute to decide which of your “sheep” are My non-negotiables are exercise, my morning shake, and personal growth (prayer or meditation). I practice these activities every single day because I am aware that they keep me mentally and physically sound and help me feel good. I know I have to get them in every day even if I can only spare 10 minutes at a time because otherwise, all of my sheep will run wildly.
You must choose your three non-negotiables and be certain that you will carry them out… no excuses. I swear, if you make the time to feed your sheep every day, your family will love you more and you will too.
If you don’t stay on top of the NON NEGOTIABLE sheep, believe me, your family will fall into that category… your family of sheep will run like crazy to get away from you for awhile.
Dedicate time to yourself and take care of yourself. so that the rest of your sheep can benefit from a better you.
Join me at one of my 30 Day Finding Balance workshops if you’d like assistance learning more about how to apply some of these practical tools in your daily life.